Saturday, July 16, 2011


The 1970s Spider-Man.
As most of us know, there's a new Spider-Man swinging to town next year.  Marvel Studios and Columbia Pictures have decided to reboot their 5-year old franchise with an all-new movie with an all-new cast and all-new touches. The biggest touch of all: the costume.  While Sam Raimi, director of the last three films, and company decided to keep as much of the traditional look as possible without making the suit seem silly on screen (such as in the 1970s American and Japanese interpretations), the crew behind The Amazing Spider-Man have decided to completely reinvent the character inside and out.

The Results? Well, see for yourself from these pictures from Entrainment Weekly:

Seen enough?  So have I.  Matt Murdock, the blind lawyer that becomes Daredevil for the uninitiated, could have designed a better costume...and he spent his debut swinging around in THIS:

So, let's compare.  Here's Sam Raimi's Spider-Man:
 And here's the Amazing Spider-Man:
Which do you think is better?

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